Radiohead - Paranoid Android (Lyrics from the CD) please could you stop the noise im tryin a get some REST? from all the unbornchikkenVoicesin my head? huh whats's that?? when i am king you will be first against the wall with your options which are of no consequence at all huh whats's that?? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaambition makes you look ugly k ic k i n g s q u e e l i n g g u c c i l i t t le p i g g y "you dont remember "why dont you remember my name? off with his head. off with his head man. why won't he reme mber my name?|" ""i guess he does_|" raindownraindown come on raind down on me froma great height. from a gra\eeaa haaaeeeeeiii. haaaaeeeeeiiii rain down rain down come on rain down on me froma great height. from a great aaaaaaeeeeee raindownrain down come on raindown onme. froma great heightfrom a great ""thats it sir youre leaving|" the dust & the screaming the panic the panic god loves his children the crackle of pig skin the yuppies networking the vomit the vomit god loves his children yeah!